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4 tips for boosting your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Writer's picture: Julia ZubkoJulia Zubko

Updated: Apr 2, 2022

COVID-19 lockdowns interrupt our daily routines. Anxiety is a "new normal" feeling for many of us. Gyms are closed, you cannot visit your friends or even go to work. In times of uncertainty, maintaining or restoring your mental well-being should be your number one priority. Use today's challenges as opportunities to improve your life and grow. Try these four tips.

#1 Tap into the healing power of forests

One Japanese study confirmed that walking in nature decreased the moods of "anxiety", "fatigue", "depression", and "confusion". Get outdoor to the nearby nature reserve! Your eyes will receive healing sunlight, your blood circulation will invigorate you, your emotional health will improve. To receive these incredible benefits, try walking every day. It takes at least five days for an activity to become a habit. Studies show that it does not matter how long is your walk. What does matter is how consistent you are. Some studies also show a correlation between the perceived intensity of a walk and its perceived restorative quality.

#2 Do not watch TV news

It appears that all TV programs these days deliver only negative news: the number of COVID-19 cases, the number of COVID-19 patients, the police fines for not complying with COVID-19 restrictions, the videos of arrests for not complying with COVID-19 restrictions. News skewed towards such information affect your emotional well-being. In addition to that, TV is addictive because it fogs your brain. The TV programs are called programs for a reason: they program your thinking. Try switching off all TV news for a week, and watch your mood improving.

#3 Stay connected with your family

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, we cannot see our friends face-to-face. Phone messaging and social media posting become our way of communication with each other. Emojis replace our facial expressions. Sometimes they are just not good enough to express the meaning behind the typed words. And that is where a misunderstanding can occur. Get connected with your family by talking to your partner more often, calling your parents or siblings on the phone. The healing power of a strong family bond helps reduce stress and increases your ability to face life's challenges.

#4 Keep moving

This advice is simple: exercise at home, or keep moving by cleaning your garden, your house, renovating, re-decorating, cooking, do anything that requires using your legs and arms. Studies show that it can even enhance your immunity and reduce the chances of upper-respiratory infections, including Coronaviruses.


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