Working on a job you do not love is a hard sell for many of us now. The last two years have made a significant shift in understanding what happiness can do for your long-term health. As a result, many people reconsider their personal values. Values such as well-being, home/work balance, family, freedom are prioritised over wealth, job security and professional growth. If your current profession is not aligned with your life purpose, you are wasting your life. Your time on earth is limited. Money does not mean freedom, and freedom does not mean no money.
Regardless of why you chose to make a change, please do not jump into it due to a quick emotional decision.
Decide what you want
To be a truly happy individual, your work purpose must match your life purpose Steve Jobs asked himself each day of his life: "If this was the last day of my life, is this what I would want to be doing?" Our life is a spiral progression. What inspired and interested you in the past may not be the things you value now. To define your current life purpose, ask yourself five questions: Who I am or would like to be? What do I love to do? Who do I do it for? What do these people want? How will they change or transform as a result? To get you ignited, here are some examples of a life purpose. Oprah Winfrey says that she wants to be a teacher and be known for inspiring her students to be more than they thought they could be. And Walt Disney just wanted to make people happy.
Evaluate your skills inventory
Now that you know what you want to do with your life, let's look at what skills you have. Even if you have never attended any corporate training, you must look at your past work history as acquired knowledge. Through your working career, you get into a little bit of everything Skills such as interpersonal, teamwork, leadership, problem solving, emotional intelligence, active listening, negotiation, and conflict resolution are transferable, So keep them up to your belt and be proud.
Understand your gaps
Are these skills enough to make your change successful? What else do you need to take the next step? If you need to acquire business skills, take your hobbies to a higher level, learn human biology, or build a website, many free courses are available online. For example, Coursera will allow you to learn anything at your own pace and obtain a certificate or diploma from many respectful universities from around the world. All is for free. And if you already have all skills needed to pivot your career, make sure that you continue sharpening these skills to keep them relative and alive.
Change is never easy. Keep your focus on what YOU WANT.
